Aisle Containment System in Data Center

Aisle containment is a data center cooling strategy that separates the hot and cold airflows, creating isolated hot and cold aisles. This improves cooling efficiency and reduces energy consumption.

The primary purpose of aisle containment is to optimize the cooling system performance in a data center. By separating the hot and cold airflows, it ensures that the cooling units only need to cool the hot aisle, improving overall efficiency

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Design Features of Typical Containment System

A typical Cold Aisle Containment system features enclosed cold aisles with doors at each end, a ceiling-mounted cooling system, and blanking panels to seal off unused server rack spaces. This design ensures that the cold air is directed straight to the server intakes.

A Hot Aisle Containment system encloses the hot exhaust side of the server racks, creating a contained hot aisle. This design features a ceiling-mounted hot air extraction system that pulls the hot air directly from the hot aisle, preventing it from mixing with the cold air.

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Cooling Optimization Strategy

What Are The Energy Guzzlers In Data Center?

Data centers are notorious energy guzzlers, consuming vast amounts of electricity to support their operations. Approximately 40% of a data center’s energy is spent on cooling systems, essential for maintaining optimal temperatures for servers. Beyond cooling, other significant energy consumers include power distribution systems, lighting, and the servers themselves, which require substantial energy for processing and storage tasks.

As the demand for data processing grows, particularly with the rise of AI and cloud computing, the energy consumption of data centers is projected to double by 2026. Addressing these energy challenges is crucial for sustainability in the tech industry.

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Cooling Energy Optimization

Optimizing Data Center Energy Efficiency

Data centers consume enormous amounts of energy, and this demand is only expected to grow as computational needs increase. One of the biggest challenges faced by advanced countries is generating enough power to meet this demand. Implementing strategic design and power/cooling systems with the highest efficiency is crucial.

The use of hot and cold aisle containment systems can optimize cooling system performance, helping data centers achieve a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of 1.2 -1.4, which is currently the target to achieve for a Data Center performance.  In theory,  a PUE value of 1.0, meaning every unit of power consumed is fully utilized by the IT equipment.

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GROMEX Brush Grommet

Brush Grommets and Sealing Brushes for Data Center Applications

Brush Grommets have become the industry standard for sealing cable openings in data centers. Their use has enabled data center operators to achieve significant cost savings by minimizing airflow loss from beneath raised floors.

A Wide Range of GROMEX Brush Grommets for Your Server Room and Data Center

GROMEX offers a diverse selection of brush grommets featuring frames made from ABS plastic, steel, or aluminum, with brush filaments crafted from nylon, PVC, or polypropylene in various thicknesses and densities. Our products can be customized to meet your specific design requirements.

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